Nikki Haley, a Republican running for president in 2024, expressed grave worries on Sunday about China’s military development, saying the nation has been preparing for war with the United States for decades.
In announcing a plan to take on China last week, the former US ambassador to the UN cautioned that due to American complacency, China’s military has been getting stronger.
According to Haley, who spoke on Fox News Sunday, they currently have the largest naval fleet in the world. We have 293 ships compared to 340 for them. 400 people will be there.
There won’t be even 350 in 20 years in two years. Launching of hypersonic missiles has begun. The beginning of our endeavor.
Haley emphasized that the growth of so-called woke culture is a backdrop against which China’s military fortifications are being built.
Haley labeled China as more than just a competitor in a speech she gave last week to introduce her China strategy; she called Communist China an enemy.
Chinese Embassy Responds To Haley’s Remarks With Criticism

She also suggested restricting commerce with China and described Beijing as the most severe foreign threat the United States has faced since the Second World War.
A spokeswoman for the Chinese embassy in Washington, DC, scolded her strong words with venom.
According to the representative, pushing American companies out of China goes against economic regulations and will eventually be detrimental to everyone’s interests.
The only people who will wind up on the ash heap of history are those who garner notoriety by defaming and shifting blame during the election campaign.
Haley also suggested putting further restrictions on Chinese investment in the United States and bolstering American defense capabilities.
She advised on Fox News Sunday that if we continue to put off dealing with China, they will deal with us today. She said that the best way to deal with China is to not put it off until tomorrow.