On Monday, July 3rd, rebates totalling approximately $132 million will be distributed to 283,468 senior citizens, disabled residents, and renters across Pennsylvania.
Those who live in Pennsylvania and are eligible for a rebate on rent or property taxes paid in 2022 and submit an application through the Property Tax/Rent Rebate (PTRR) program will receive those rebates.
Those who applied and provided their banking information will have their rewards deposited directly into their accounts. Any recipients who specified a paper check should soon receive that payment.
Nearly 175,000 additional Pennsylvanians might receive a rebate on their property taxes or rent under the proposed plan. The Department of Revenue also predicts that 86% of the 430,000 eligible claimants will experience an increase in their rebates.
Seniors (those 65 and up), widows (those 50 and up), and disabled individuals (those 18 and up) in Pennsylvania are eligible for the rebate program.
With half of Social Security income disregarded, the current limits are $35,000 for homeowners and $15,000 for renters.
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Proposed Budget

In his proposed budget for the fiscal year 2023–2024, Governor Josh Shapiro calls for a significant expansion of the PTRR program, which explains the timing of this extension.
The plan would raise the cap on the currently maximum basic rebate from $650 to $1,000. In the meantime, both the renter and homeowner income caps would rise to $45,000.
These income thresholds would be adjusted for inflation going ahead as well, so rebate recipients wouldn’t have to worry about losing their benefits through no fault of their own.
When the Department of Revenue receives your Property Tax/Rent Rebate claim either the paper application or the myPATH electronic application, they will contact you via the phone number you provided. When your claim is accepted, you’ll get another call from the system to let you know.
Using the Where’s My Rebate? tool is the quickest way to find out where your rebate is at any given time. You’ll need your in order to verify your claim’s progress.
- Social Security number
- Reported Calendar Year
- Birth Date
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