Scientists have been studying these sky-high lightning bolts for years, but they’re still somewhat of a mystery. Gigantic jets transfer massive electrical charges into space, and some experts believe they could even affect communication systems and the Earth’s atmosphere.
The fact that NASA caught this event in such incredible detail from the International Space Station is a huge step toward understanding them better.
How Do These Jets Form?
No one knows for sure, but researchers believe that certain storm conditions allow energy that would normally strike downward to instead burst into the upper atmosphere. They’re extremely rare—only a few hundred have ever been observed—but this new image could help scientists figure out exactly why they happen.
What’s Next?
The more we learn about gigantic jets, the better we can understand their impact on the planet. Could they interfere with satellites? Could they change the way storms behave? NASA’s discovery is bringing us one step closer to finding out.
For now, we can just take a moment to appreciate the sheer power of nature—and the fact that even after all these years, Earth still finds ways to surprise us.